
Phase 3 clone armor
Phase 3 clone armor

We are proud to have two found members of the 501st on board our staff. Included are various optional clone head alterations, shoulder pad armor options, optional helmets, and optional pauldrons, all of which are free for use, just please credit as origin.Who Are We? We are a group of costuming enthusiasts and general fun-lovers and shenanigans-committers who just really love making and wearing costumes and props from movies and video games. Second Tow: ARC Trooper, Heavy Clone Trooper, Heavy Assault Trooper, Airborne Trooper, Galactic Marine, Clone Cadet. Template bases for the components of each armor in this template forum courtesy of the following:įirst Row: Standard Clone Trooper, ARF Trooper, Special Operations Trooper, Clone Trooper (Kama), Clone Trooper (Pauldron and Kama), and Special Operations Trooper (Pauldron and Kama). Use of any of the armor in my template is open, free, and encouraged, but please credit me for origin. Most of the different armors in this forum are seen in canon, but also have a few different pieces of armor that I created, using different clone armor components from, , and. This is a template forum for each of the Phase 3 clone armor, of my own making. Because of the return of the armor strength, Phase III armor was capable of withstanding impacts, pressure, heat and acrid vapors, and a direct hit from a laser blast. In addition to providing its wearer with better vision, the armor plates still had the lightness of the Phase II armor, but also brought back the strength of the Phase I armor. Like its previous two predecessors, Phase III was a set of form-fitting white plastoid plates over a black body glove. Like the Phase II armor, the Phase III armor still didn’t feature an internal life support system, continuing the necessitating use of an external respirator in the absence of breathable atmosphere. More advanced than the Phase I and II clone trooper armor, Phase III armor was capable of supporting more specialized equipment.

phase 3 clone armor

Phase III clone trooper armor was manufactured by clone armorsmiths.

phase 3 clone armor phase 3 clone armor

The successor of the Phase II clone trooper armor, Phase III was adopted by nearly all clone soldiers of the Jedi Loyalists Forces (later reformed as the Amidala Imperial Military) by the opening days of the Galactic Civil Wars. Phase III clone trooper armor was the standard issue clone trooper armor worn by clone troopers, consisting of white plastoid plates over a a black body glove.

Phase 3 clone armor